The Item Shop includes all types of in-game items for Rocket League, like painted Vehicles such as the Fennec and the titanium white Fennec. The currency Crimson Fennec price on PS5 and PS4 is 517 Credits, average 516 Credits in this week, Go Up compared to the prices in the previous 15 days. Once the timer expires, new items enter the shop.

Featured items are rotated on a 48-hour timer and Daily items on a 24-hour timer. The Item Shop is the in-game store in RL accessible from the main menu. Contact us via email, steam or discord: jaaniuss5736. The great thing about RL.Exchange is that they scan the web to offer you the best price for the Fennec. Welcome to RL Trades Finder This page is refreshing in real time, and fetches trades posted on the biggest Rocket League trading platforms. The RLI Trade Score indicates the quality of an offer based on going market prices on all analyzed sites by RL Insider. While it isn't in the shop or relaunched in a new series of blueprints it won't go down drastically. LINK HAVE WANT AGE DISCORD: fennec sky blue: 600c: 17s: DISCORD: fennec: 400cr17s: DISCORD: fennec: 430: 17s: tw fennec: 1600: R-L.COM: titanium white fennec: 1200xcredits: 39s. This will give you an extra layer of security. No one knows whether an item with rise or fall, with tw fennec it always goes through phases like this, nothing out of the ordinary. Since Rocket League is free now you should create a second RL account as a middleman. Also, make sure to not give them access to your main account. In our opinion the best marketplace (with the best price) to buy the Fennec is RL.Exchange:We listed the best ones on our guide to the best places to Sell or Buy your Rocket League Items:īear in mind that it may take the marketplace up to 12 hours to deliver the item to you. There are many websites out there where you can buy Rocket League items. This is probably the easiest method that works every time. Next, the Fennec and titanium white version of it can be bought on Third-Party websites.

Buy it on Rocket League Third-Party Marketplaces If you don’t have any of these two blueprints then you can also try to trade 5 very rare tradable blueprints for a fennec blueprint. scribble up Rocket League Blueprints Prices Index - RocketPrices.Com Fennec on PC Rocket League Insider How to get the Fennec in Rocket League. This will make sure you didn’t overlook any. undermin, 1250 if ur interested in anything above and offer items in exchange, that is also doable.If you have a lot of Blueprints and can’t find the Blueprint you are looking for, then click on “Use Filter” and order your Blueprints alphabetically. Fennec distortion, vortex black, stern black, voxel, astro-csx: inverted orange, nissan silvia rle tw, octane griffon orange, houndstooth, photon pink, vw golf gti sky blue, vw golf gti purple, vw golf gti rle grey, vw golf gti crimson, vw golf gti tw, chakram:holo black, creds, fennec twħ0cr, 200cr, 500cr, 100cr, 700cr, 300cr, 100cr, 100cr, 300cr, 100cr, 80cr, 100cr, 100cr, 100cr, 700cr h: invader black w: 160cr, offers pref.